Ciampi – Bella la mi’ Livorno su Rai Play e Rai Italia – 9 December 2020
The film 'Ciampi. Bella la mi' Livorno', directed by Marco Guelfi will be premiered on 9 December at 5.30 p.m. on all Spi-Cgil platforms and from 9 p.m. on Rai Play and Rai Italia platforms. The docu-film is a Spi-Cgil Toscana
Glassboy awarded at PÖFF | Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
Glassboy, the children's film directed by director and screenwriter Samuele Rossi, freely inspired by the Andersen Prize-winning novel Il bambino di vetro (The Glass Child) by Fabrizio Silei, was awarded at the 24th edition of the prestigious PÖFF | Tallinn
ENTIERRO – Planned cinema release late August 2020
Entierro directorial debut by Maura Moralese Bergmann.
WHITE FLOWERS – expected to be released in the cinima end of May 2020
White Flowers the new experimental film by Marco De Angelis and Antonio Di Trapani