Foto di scena

Manuela, Chilean actress with Italian origins, is the narrator of a journey between the art of Carmengloria Morales.
Moved from the curiosity of the story of her compatriot, Manuela begins a trip to find Carmengloria’s after seeing an interrupted documentary called Destierro. The artist seems to be vanished and with her all her life.
A fire destroyed her house and all her belongings.

The idea of the project was born starting from our need to narrate real events in which we took part .
This tale is a true story. During the past two years we followed a famous Chilean artist called Carmengloria Morales.
We wanted to tell her story through the images of her art and her relationship with music.
In May 2014 we filmed her conversation with a Chilean composer and thanks to that meeting we set the bases for our documentary.
Two years of filming followed.
The 30th of April 2016, after three days of work in Carmengloria’s house, we celebrated the end of shooting. The day after we were suppose to come back to Rome and begin the edit. Instead we were woken up during the night by fog and fire. Carmengloria’s house was burning
Everything that happened after that dangerous fact has been the beginning of our new journey and a new story: Entierro.